Application and Certification for Payment No. 10 for $115,945.05 to
Knutson Construction RE: Childcare Facility.
The January payment application includes but is not limited to vinyl
flooring, carpet flooring, and walk off flooring installations. Electrical
continued devicing out, installing remaining fixtures, fire alarm
systems, and lighting control panels. This application also includes
labor for miscellaneous specialty items, door hardware, finish
carpentry work, as well as glazing and remaining fire sprinkler
scopes. As of the date of this application, the project is 94.15
percent complete.
A motion was made by Council Member Aaker, seconded by
Council Member Kracht, that this Motion be approved. The motion
carried by a unanimous vote.
Certificate for Payment No. 2 - Final to Duininck, Inc. for $2,516.68
and Owner's Acceptance of Contract Construction RE: Trunk
Highway 75 Storm Sewer Improvements Project.
This payment request includes the remaining retainage on the storm
sewer work on TH 75. The total project cost was $231,867.90, the
City partnered with MnDOT for a 50/50 cost split on construction
A motion was made by Council Member Thorson, seconded by
Council Member Kracht, that this Motion be approved. The motion
carried by a unanimous vote.
I.1. No items under personnel to consider.
Application for Exempt Permit for American Legion Post 123 to
Conduct Bingo at Big Top Tents and Events.
Representing American Legion Post 123, Edward Stearns has
applied for an application for exempt permit to conduct a bingo
fundraising event at Big Top Tents and Events.
A motion was made by Council Member Aaker, seconded by
Council Member Thorson, that this Motion be approved. The motion
carried by a unanimous vote.